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PASHMIA - Paradigm Shifts Modelling and Innovative Approaches : The PASHMINA Indicators for Sustainable Energy Development - How Does the EU Perform? i.A.: European Commission - PASHMINA Project

Kettner, Claudia

PASHMIA - Paradigm Shifts Modelling and Innovative Approaches : The PASHMINA Indicators for Sustainable Energy Development - How Does the EU Perform? i.A.: European Commission - PASHMINA Project - Wien : Wifo 2012 - 55 S. II


Umweltpolitik, Umweltsteuern, Umweltregulierungen, Internationale Abkommen(21x1)
Statistik, Daten, Indikatoren, Umwelt VGR, Ökobilanz(21x3)


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